Yes, we know it: Chief Technology Officers (CTOs), Chief Product Officers (CPOs), and Chief Information Officers (CIOs) have a lot on their plate. Not only do professionals like you hold a strategic position within your organization – especially if you’re a tech company! -, but also you’re ahead of one of the most fast-paced and competitive environments out there. Ubiminds is kind enough to separate the best content for CTOs, CPOs, and CIOs.
So how do you stay up to speed? By picking wisely which blogs, podcasts, Twitter feeds, and other references to occupy the little time you do have. That’s why we handpicked a careful selection of top content sources for you to check out and follow.
10+ Podcasts that will change the way you lead your digital product team
Multitask away. Update your thoughts while working out, commuting (remember when we could still go outside?) or whatever gets you running. Believe us: this is the best content for CTOs, CPOs, and CIOs
- American Innovators: Get inspired by the stories of scientists, engineers, and ordinary people behind major discoveries and inventions. 2.
- Behind the Tech: Microsoft’s CTO Kevin Scott talks to innovators and pioneers about what inspires them to impact the lives of developers and engineers.
- Clockwise: Technews in 30 minutes or less. rapid-fire discussion of current technology issues hosted by Dan Moren and Mikah Sargent and featuring two special guests each week.
- CodeNewbie: First-hand accounts of people and their coding journeys – a great way to understand where programmers, developers, and theorists are coming from.
- Short conversations where we talk about the human side of technology, once a month.
- CTO Think: A pragmatic podcast about leadership, product dev, and tech decisions between two recovering Chief Technology Officers.
- Modern CTO: Big names every week. Listen to the ideas of CEOs, COOs, and CTOs of Fortune 500 companies.
- Rocket: Unwind and reconnect with your inner geek in the company of journalist Christina Warren, video game developer Brianna Wu, and video producer Simone de Rochefort. Tech, comics, movies, games, and books, every week.
- TechExec: For CTOs, VPs, and other leaders in Tech who work on creating high performant, autonomous teams.
- The CTO Advisor: Keith Townsend shares 20 years of tech industry experience, converted into witty insights.
- WSJ’s The Future of Everything: Get inspired again by learning what science and technology have in store for the way we live, work, and play.
10+ Twitter feeds you should follow to stay up to date
Cut through the noize and get straight to summarized information. Also useful to investors, vendors, and tech aficionados. This makes absolute sense. It’s the best content for CTOs, CPOs, and CIOs
- David Heinemeier Hansson (@dhh): Creator of Ruby on Rails, Founder & CTO at Basecamp & HEY, NYT best-selling author.
- Engadget (@engadget): Technology news and reviews.
- Gizmodo (@Gizmodo): Design, technology, science, and science fiction all rolled into one.
- Forbes Tech (@ForbesTech): Tech news and insights from, well, Forbes.
- Marcus East (@marcuseast): CTO with a passion for tech for social good. Tech Director in Office of the CTO at Google HQ specializing in Cloud and Digital Transformation.
- Mark Russinovich (@markrussinovich): CTO of Microsoft Azure, author of novels Rogue Code, Zero Day and Trojan Horse, Windows Internals, Sysinternals utilities.
- Mashable (@mashable): Entertainment, culture, and tech ideas.
- MIT Technology Review (@techreview): A media company making technology a greater force for good.
- NYTimes Tech (@nytimestech): Tech news and analysis from The New York Times.
- Susie Wee (@susiewee): SVP & GM of Cisco DevNet & CX Ecosystem Success, she brings innovation and resources to developers and IT professionals.
- TechCrunch (@TechCrunch): Tech news with an emphasis on early-stage startups, raw innovation, and disruptive technologies.
- TNW (@thenextweb): From the series of conferences, continues sharing, inventing, and advancing tech developments and start-up companies in Europe.
- VentureBeat (@VentureBeat): covering transformative technology.
- Yvette Pasqua (@lolarobot): CTO @ EXOS, previously CTO @ Meetup, on iterating on the product for customers and empowering software teams.
8+ Insightful blogs to CTOs, CPOs, and CIOs
Don’t want to fall behind the competition? Stay up to date on the latest and greatest with these resources. Function over form:
- CTO Vision: A well-curated selection of articles on market developments and innovation, from cloud computing to artificial intelligence. 2.
- Hacker Noon: Hear from industry experts on product management, cloud, scalability, and a fair share of futurology.
- High Scalability: Looking to grow your user base in a sustainable way? Educational and trustworthy input here.
- IT Professional: As trustworthy as it gets. Peer-reviewed articles for IT executives, project managers, researchers, and developers.
- Product Collective: Large community with big ideas. Tips from how to collect feedback to product pricing.
- Product Craft: Articles and podcasts on product marketing and development, team collaboration, and even biases in product management.
- Product Talk: Helping to convert research activities into product decisions. Themes include rapid prototyping, continuous user research, and discovery, and experiment design.
- The Silicon Valley Product Group (SVPG): Insightful articles on product strategy, process, and risk management for companies of all sizes and stages.
- Work Matters: Yes, it’s dead since 2017. Still holds a relevant mix of both amusing and valuable lessons on leadership and team management.
4 Websites to subscribe to
If you’re looking for more mainstream sources of information and updates, these are the links you should favorite. Remember it’s your chance to get the best content for CTOs, CPOs, and CIOs:
- CIO: Go-to place for information for any of the business technology executives.
- CIO Journal: The Wall Street Journal’s beat for Analytics, Security, and other must-reads for your product development team.
- Harvard Business Review: Rich content on business strategy and leadership, plus highlights picked by the editor.
- Crunchbase News: Relevant overview of funding, competitors, and partners – with broader subjects to bring in some flair.
10+ Must-read books
Have a little extra time on your hands? Invest here. Is full of the best content for CTOs, CPOs, and CIOs:
- Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software, by Charles Petzold. How did ingenuity and the compulsion to communicate drive technological innovations of the past two centuries?
- Continuous Delivery, by Jez Humble and David Farley. Principles and technical practices that empower fast, incremental delivery of high-quality functionalities to users.
- Don’t Make Me Think!, by Steve Krug. Understand the principles of intuitive navigation and information design – make software practical!
- Founders at Work: Stories of Startups’ Early Days, by Jessica Livingston. Peek behind the curtain of successful companies to understand the challenges (and how they overcome them) when still early-stage startups.
- Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products, by Nir Eyal. Advice on how to boost customer engagement based on user behavior psychology.
- Leading Exponential Change: Go Beyond Agile and Scrum to Run Even Better Business Transformations, by Erich R. Bühler. Parting from the understanding that humans aren’t physiologically prepared for constant change, Bühler suggests principles and techniques to foster responsiveness in people and companies.
- Managing Humans: Biting and Humorous Tales of a Software Engineering Manager, by Michael Lopp. Enjoyable and extremely humorous, presents suggestions on how to deal with conflict, different personality types, schedules, and drive for innovation towards positive engineering culture.
- Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams, by Tom DeMarco. What if the major issues of software development are human, not technical? This is the way to go about harnessing collaboration towards meaningful goals.
- Rework, by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson. A quick read that will help leaders and entrepreneurs to deal with self-doubt and make smarter decisions.
- The CTO ¦ CIO Bible: The Mission Objectives Strategies and Tactics Needed To Be a Super Successful CTO, by Rorie Devine. More than 100 chunks of mobile-friendly actionable insights, with bits of humor thrown in.
- The Hard Thing About Hard Things, by Ben Horowitz. Straight talk and practical advice on how to survive as a decision-maker in tech startups.
- The Lean Startup, by Eric Ries. A ‘how-to’ guide on how not to fail at building businesses and products under extreme uncertainty.
- The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering, by Frederick Brooks. How man-hours, collaboration, and communication intercolide in complex software projects.
- Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future, by Peter Thiel. Question and rethink received wisdom. a startup is the largest group of people you can convince of a plan to build a different future.
Hopefully, this comprehensive reference list will (a) inform you, (b) entertain you, and (c) make you a better leader in the process. We hope you enjoy the best content for CTOs, CPOs, and CIOs.

International Marketing Leader, specialized in tech. Proud to have built marketing and business generation structures for some of the fastest-growing SaaS companies on both sides of the Atlantic (UK, DACH, Iberia, LatAm, and NorthAm). Big fan of motherhood, world music, marketing, and backpacking. A little bit nerdy too!