
Tech Team for EdTechs: What Skills and Competencies Should We Develop in Team Members?

Building a Tech Team for EdTechs can be challenging. After all, each educational software pr...


10 Tips to gain the CTO's trust and get him/her to support your product vision and ideas
10 Tips to gain the CTO's trust and get him/her to support your product vision and ideas

Trying to gain the CTO's trust? Good! Getting your ideas across helps you forward in your ca...

How Can EdTech Companies Grow Their Market Share in Such a Competitive Scenario?
How Can EdTech Companies Grow Their Market Share in Such a Competitive Scenario?

In a competitive market, educational technology (EdTech) companies must adopt a multifacet...

Here's why American and Canadian EdTechs are hiring tech talent from LatAm - and 5 reasons to do the same
Here's why American and Canadian EdTechs are hiring tech talent from LatAm - and 5 reasons to do the same

In today's ever-changing education field, educational technology (EdTech) plays a crucial ...

The CLO Journey: How Chief Legal Officers of SaaS companies stand out
The CLO Journey: How Chief Legal Officers of SaaS companies stand out

It is only expected, thus, that you also have to continuously enhance your abilities. Here a...

Tips on Standing Out as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in Tech Startups
Tips on Standing Out as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in Tech Startups

Working in SaaS or other tech companies comes with its own unique characteristics when compa...

Leadership Insights for the CHRO and PeopleOps Team in SaaS Companies: Valuable Self-Improvement Tips
Leadership Insights for the CHRO and PeopleOps Team in SaaS Companies: Valuable Self-Improvement Tips

As a CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) in a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) company, self-im...

How to Build Better Software: Understanding the Software Development Life Cycle
How to Build Better Software: Understanding the Software Development Life Cycle

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the backbone of successful software developmen...

UX/UI Designers: Identifying, Hiring, & Motivating Best Talent
UX/UI Designers: Identifying, Hiring, & Motivating Best Talent

If user experience reigns supreme, the role of a UX/UI Designer has grown increasingly...

Why and How Software Teams will Expand Operations to LatAm During this Recession
Why and How Software Teams will Expand Operations to LatAm During this Recession

The early signs of recession have led many companies to review their budgets. In fact, the r...